Every time a stinkbug dies, an angel gets its wings

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What the angel does with a stinkbug’s wings, I have no idea.

Here’s my theory. The stinkbugs that survived through the winter are the strongest and know the best hiding places. If they are allowed to reproduce, the offspring will be genetically designed for surviving in our house. They must not be allowed to survive. Problem: the darned things are hard to dispose of. You can’t squish them because the stink is horrible. If you toss them in the trash, they chortle and crawl out. They can be flushed, but I don’t think we have enough water in our well to flush that often, and you gotta flush right away or they will get out. Or..at the very least glare at you when you go back in to use the toilet. In the winter, we tossed them outside and the cold got them. Can’t do that now. Now they WANT to get outside. To spawn evil devil mutant baby bugs of doom.

The best solution I have come up with is a bowl of soapy water. I figured if it works for Japanese beetles, it would work for these critters, too. So far I am correct. There are problems. The stink still sometimes wafts up out of the bowl, and I am fairly sure if I leave too many corpses in there, the fresh bugs will just use them like little rafts. But these are easy problems to deal with by emptying the bowl occasionally. The picture above is about one day’s worth. Soup anyone? Yum!

3 thoughts on “Every time a stinkbug dies, an angel gets its wings

  1. Carol is correct about them finding hiding places during the winter. She, Andy, Anya, and few of the bugs came to visit us here in Georgia at Christmas, we threw them outside ( the BUGS, not the people!). Recently I found one of the critters in the pantry where we had kept Anya’s crackers. Uncle Craig found one in the bathroom and one in the hall near to the bedroom that they had used! Three that found hiding places for a few months! How many more?

  2. You could use packing tape. Cut off a length and just press it against whatever they have alighted upon and off they come. Then just fold it in half to entomb them forever and throw away!


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