Whoooo’s there?

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Last week, I was staring out the window while doing dishes and I noticed a big owl staring back at me from a low branch of a tree. I got very excited because owls are awesome and wonderful, so I called to Anya to come see it. Anya wasn’t interested. I figured she just did not realize the fabulousness of these huge and fluffy birds, so I decided to try and take a picture of it for her later. It’s difficult to take a picture of a bird (even a big one) through the kitchen window. I could not let this owl go unobserved by Anya, it was my duty as her mother to make sure she saw the owl. I grabbed her and carried her outside and pointed and said LOOK! And she was all, ‘Okay, can I go play Dora now?’


So, I went back to washing my dishes, keeping an eye on the owl so I could catch it in flight if it flew away. When Andy came home, I figured the car would scare the bird, but the bird did not care. I ran out to show Andy, and he ran in to get his camera. Finally Anya was interested, and they both went out to take pictures. By this time the kitchen window was fogged up from the steamy dishwashing, and I missed the owl flying away. According to Andy, he and Anya got closer and closer to the owl, it pooed, and then it flew away. Being the cool photographer person that he is, he managed to get some pictures that made my pictures look like crayon scribbles of a llama done by a two-year-old.

Before Poo:

After Poo:

Andy learned later that our friend was a Barred Owl. I hope he visits often to eat the rodents now that Buddy is no longer here to eat them.

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