The Best Presents

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We’re very lucky because two of my friends have children a few years older than Anya, and they are always giving us things their kids have outgrown. I can’t even begin to list all the wonderful things we’ve been given, but among the recent gifts was a bag of books. The books have been sitting in our car about a week until today when we tobogganed them down our still very snowy driveway. Right around the point where we reached the shoveled out part of the driveway near the sheep, Anya hopped off Andy’s shoulders and investigated the items in the little purple sled we borrowed from daycare. She found a book that interested her so much that she didn’t even care that Andy and I had already walked the rest of the way up and gone into the house. He and I peeked out the windows and watched her staring at her book. She’d walk a few steps and then look at the book some more. Walk a few steps. Read. Walk. Read. It looked like she was talking to herself, and then I realized it was a music-making book and she was singing. I’m not sure what made me more happy, that she is such a big girl she can walk up the driveway alone or that she was so excited about her book that she was oblivious to her surroundings.

In other news, we took Anya to a Santa story time at the library two weeks ago. She thought Santa was okay, but the candy canes…those were fantabulous.

While all the other kids sat quietly and listened to Mrs. Clause read stories, Anya got up and ran around and looked at everything in the room. And when we all sang Jingle Bells, Anya got down and boogied.

Boy oh boy does that girl love to dance. Too bad she’s got Andy and I as her dance instructors.

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