Moratorium: Week 4

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May we please have a moratorium on the moratorium? I want to buy garden stuff like plants and bricks and mulch and plants and did I say plants? Darn moratorium keeping us from buying fun stuff but allowing us to buy non-fun stuff like tires. Darn states that require annual vehicle inspections that make us buy new tires. Safety-smafety. I want plants!

Non-essential spending:

– Eating out to preserve our sanity: $8.39
– Super-cheap chocolate on clearance: $35.00 (see note about sanity above)

Raisin update: name-brand raisins were on sale for only twenty cents more than the generic, so I bought some name brand. WOOT!

So, we’ve been doing this moratorium thing for a month now, and I’d like to say that we’ve saved a bunch of money and paid a nice chunk of that credit card off. Nope. I’m not quite sure how this whole thing works that we seem to be spending less but in reality are spending about the same as before. Would someone please explain that to me?

Oh well. We got some free rocks yesterday and will get more today. A family moved into a new house last fall and wants to turn a shady spot under their deck into a turtle habitat. The previous owners had put down a ton (or three) of river rock stuff. The new owners took about half of it out and put it somewhere else, but they didn’t want the rest of it. So, we went over yesterday and shoveled about half of what was left into the truck. Andy will go get the rest today. Not sure where it will all go, but some will go into a shady flower bed under our deck.

3 thoughts on “Moratorium: Week 4

  1. My theory is that there is a never-ending list of stuff in your mind, the “Have To Take Care of” list and the “Really Really Want” list, and you just slowly check things off in each column as you go along, so technically, you can ALWAYS still spend the money, if that makes sense.

    We just paid nearly $300 for tires this paycheck, something that wasn’t even on my mental list, but quickly moved to the top of the “have to” list. Last paycheck, we got Beau $250 shoes (for a bad foot injury), which had been on the “Have to” list, but which he stubbornly put off for a few months… so both were a lot of money, but could be spent at any time.

  2. I suppose…though it seems most of this stuff is “Have to.” We had to get tires to pass inspection. We had to take Anya to the doctor. Oy. It’s tough being a grown up.

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