Visiting with Grammy and Grampy and Uncle Bubba

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Anya and I are visiting my family this week. Here’s a short log of the trip so far:

Day 1: Drive a little bit. Get stuck in the state’s largest annual garage sale / flea market. Drive a long way. Get lost in the middle of nowhere. Drive some more. Baby farts. Arrive. Baby proof house.

Day 2: Wake up at 5:30. Baby poops two times before anyone else wakes up. Cook breakfast. Baby poops. Go to lunch at Sonny’s. Go to commissary and buy diapers and oreos. Baby poops.

Day 3: Go to The Goodwill Emporiumiumiumium and buy lots of very cheap baby clothes. Baby poops. Go to lunch/dinner. Baby knocks sippy cup into bowl of salsa. Baby poops. Watch four hours of Project Runway.

Day 4: Sleep until 6:30. Dad makes breakfast of french toast. Learn how to roll up acorns with the acorn picker-upper. Realize forgot to apply anti-stink to armpits. Go into room to get anti-pit-stink. Baby wakes up from nap in cage. Snuggle baby to get her to sleep. Fall asleep. Get hair cut by a real hair cut person for the first time in three years. Eat wings. Baby poops.

To be continued…

5 thoughts on “Visiting with Grammy and Grampy and Uncle Bubba

  1. Boy, I don’t feel so bad now about my uber-frequent trips to the bathroom here at work now!

    Of course, I’m not an infant or an incontinent old person, but still..

  2. Lots happened.
    Gramps had a cold even before Carol came down. She took a chance by coming and lost. Granny got the cold next and then Carol and Anya. The cold delayed her departure by one day and prevented the making of chocolate chip oatmeal cookies for Gramps. The cookies are a tradition and the ONLY reason why Gramps lets her come to visit. Ha, Ha, only kidding!
    Anya did poop a lot and Granny got to change one of those diapers…..ugh. The washing of diapers and clothes kept Carol very busy every day.
    We shopped a lot. Carol and Gramps found lots of clothes for Anya at Goodwill Emporium while I wheeled her around in the shopping cart (in Georgia it is called a buggy). Another trip we bought boxers for Andy and both upper and lower underwear for Carol. We took Carol to another store where she found lots of tops for herself and some shirts for Andy. Anya always got to ride around in the “buggy’.
    At Sonny’s Bar-B-Q Anya tried her hand at coloring. Three crayons were given to her but she tried to eat them. Maybe when she gets a little older she will realize that they are used for drawing pictures on the walls.
    At My Father’s Place pizza she kept throwing olives on the floor while watching Mommy out of the corner of her eye.
    At El Jalienseee Mexican she did knock her sippy cup into the salsa. Guess she didn’t like it. AND as always threw things on the floor while watching Mommy out of the corner of her eye.
    Anya took a bath in the kitchen sink. Everything on the counter had to be moved far, far away. Towels had to be put on the floor with all the splashing and sloshing aimed at Mommy. Carol may have some pictures of that event.
    Anya learned how to do summersaults on Granny’s big bed, with a little help. She loved doing them and giggled whenever she went over all the way.
    Anya also giggled that adorable boisterous baby giggle when her tummy got tickled. That made Granny giggle so hard that she couldn’t catch her breath and turned blue.
    Hummm…..the trip revolved around Anya, as it should be.
    Carol mowed the grass because it was so long. We didn’t get around to doing so because Anya had to be tickled. Carol also rolled up acorns with our nifty acorn picker upper. We have lots of big acorns that fall during September and part of October every year. We tickled Carol when she was done with her chores.
    A lot happened.

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