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I was waiting for Aunt Linda to get the package, and now that she has, I get to post my most recent quilled piece. (Just the horse.)

I found the design in an etsy store, and although I have absolutely no plans to try and make any money off the design myself, I wanted to make sure to give the creator credit so that the internet karma wouldn’t come after me with a big bat. See, I read a web post a few days ago on the blog of a quiller I like. She was mad, and rightfully so, because someone was recreating cards the blogger had created. Not just a bit or piece, but entire cards. And lots of them. And I thought, ya know, I really should point out where I find my designs because I don’t want anyone to be mad. I promise, blogging quillers, that I will never steal your designs for profit and that from now on I will make sure to say where I found the design. Of course, there was also a flower in the picture I posted, and I don’t remember where I found that, alas. Baby steps.

Now, back to the piece. Aunt Linda donated money to my Relay for Life team. In return, I said I would quill something for her, and she picked a horse. ‘Cause she likes horses. Most of the animals I’ve done so far have been fairly simple, but horses? I couldn’t find any examples of quilled horses that weren’t either dorky looking or pretty complex. So, I found the simplest of the complex ones and got to work on it. It took me a long time not because it was hard but because it was scary. All those pieces. All that squooshing of all those pieces into a big shape. AIEIEIE. But, like most things, I just took it one bit at a time, and I finally finished it about a week ago. Phew!

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