Snow Stories

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We enjoyed about a week of being able to drive all the way up to our house before we had to get out our hiking shoes again. Now, after several weeks, we’ve finally begun to see the ground again. Maybe we’ll even find those two missing packets of Ramen.

Here’s what’s been going on around here:

+ Andy put in the threshold and replaced the under-the-door-thingy-jig on the cat room, and we’ve had no more mice sightings (dead or alive) since.
+ Our snow shovel broke last weekend. After visiting four stores, we finally found a new shovel yesterday.
+ The sheep have started escaping again. They just walk over the fence on the frozen snow drifts. (Andy dug the snow back some, but they still manage to climb over.)
+ Anya gets to test drive a preschool on Wednesday.
+ There is a snow drift about five feet tall crossing our driveway. It’s sort of solid, so we can mostly scamper over it. Sometimes we sink.
+ Every day last week I asked Andy if the chickens were okay because from the house it looked like they had been buried.
+ I didn’t leave the house for four days because of the scary snow drifts.
+ Anya uses a chair to turn on the bathroom light, change the thermostat, get cell phones, raid the pantry, and get the tv remotes.
+ We lost a bag of groceries in the snow. The next day we found a jar of adobo sauce (unfortunately) and three packets of ramen scattered in the snow across a quarter of the driveway.
+ Anya likes to lick playdoh. Especially the mint green.
+ I ripped apart the last square I was knitting and have only finished about 1/4 of a new one. My mom, however, has crocheted about 87.
+ We’re looking at kitchen cabinets for The Great Kitchen Remodel of 2010, 2011….2094.
+ Walking the driveway today felt like walking through a giant slushie but wasn’t anywhere near as tasty.
+ My left eye is twitching.