Anya is addicted to lotion. I had to hide my bottle on top of the shelf in the bathroom, and her bottle of baby lotion is in a kitchen cabinet. It was on top of the microwave, but she pushed one of her little chairs over and started sweeping her hand back and forth over the microwave pushing everything off in hopes she’d get the bottle. This morning I gave her a couple of dots of lotion and she wanted more, as usual, and I said maybe later, and she started the bawling and the crying and the whining and the repeating of, “I NEED MORE BABY LOTION!” This is probably her first five word sentence and the first time I can remember her using “I” correctly.
On Wednesdays I usually stay home with Anya and work when she’s napping and after she goes to bed at night. Today (in between lotion episodes) we sat at her little table and made stars out of playdoh. MommyStar, DaddyStar, AnyaStar, GrammaStar, BubbaStar, Yay-yeeStar (sitter), Kay-keeStar, Ney-neyStar (kids at sitter). Then the stars started hugging. “Mommy and Daddy Star HUG!” Then the playdoh was dirty and had to be held in the mist of our new humidifier to take a bath.
We normally go to story time at the library on Wednesdays, too, but guess what? We are snowed in again! Friday night we got a ton of snow. Saturday and Sunday we shoveled a path from the house to the car. So, we aren’t really snowed in, but the truck is so no story time. It’s definitely an easier hike with a path but still not fun. We got more snow yesterday, and Friday’s forecast is another doozy.
2010 Goal Update: Mom and I have started working on Craig’s blanket; Andy finished putting down the floor in the basement but still has trim and painting; and I think hiking up and down our driveway so many times takes care of the “monthly family hike” for January. Go team!