Anya’s been very busy lately, and so I felt like it was time for a list of neato Anya things.
+ pee-peed in her potty nearly every morning for the last week
+ uses signs for: sun, bottle, more, ball, fish, bird, book, all done/gone
+ says in a regular way: uh-oh, bye-bye (dye-dye), bottle (dottle), book (buh), all done/gone (all on), no, and animal sounds for dog, cat, bird, sheep
+ said a few times: thank you, daddie, doggie, baby
+ pats the couch/bed if she wants you to sit down
+ pets the kitties very nicely (most of the time)
+ uses her step stool to crawl up onto the couch
+ gets the shapes into the right spots in the shape puzzle
+ points to things in books when you ask
+ unwraps presents expertly
+ does some of the hand movements to itsy bitsy spider
+ squeals with delight
+ adores The Cat in the Hat
I suppose that’s all for now.