Kostya’s sixth month was a busy one for us.
We went to the National Science Festival in DC, all the grandparents visited, Anya turned 7, Carol got her first tick bite, and Andy went to Florida on business. Meanwhile, Kostya….
- Learned how to turn pages in board books.
- Listened intently when read to.
- Celebrated Easter for the first time. The Easter Bunny brought him socks with sea creatures on them because what says Easter better than an octopus?
- Produced a giant poo of doom. (Since this time, there have been many giant and doomy poos, so I can’t really say if the one from month six was really note worthy. However, since I didn’t measure and have nothing to compare it with, I will have to give this poo the benefit of the doubt.)
Took his first trip to DC, where he road his first escalator, took his first shower, saw his first dinosaur,
and went to his first concert.
- Met Grandma Diane.
- Started working on sitting up on his own.
- Went swimming for the first time. He loved it.
- Began making zerberty farty noises.
- Pooed 4 times in one day. (I can state with total confidence that this has not happened since and is therefor deserving mention.)
- Gardened with Mama by hanging out on a blanket and eating grass and leaves.
Anya tore a hundred or so pages out of coloring books, rolled them into cylinders, and tied or taped them – Easter Presents. She preformed in the local old time radio show with some classmates,
celebrated her birthday at the pool,
finally (FINALLY!) got to watch dvds in the minivan, drove an underwater robot at the National Science Festival, earned her white ribbon in gymnastics, and gave her brother a bath (notice the strategically placed Barbie doll).
Carol reminisced while listening to They Might Be Giants, stood about ten feet away from Bill Nye, and turned a dozen people into zombies – all at the National Science Festival.
And some mice moved into Andy’s car and munched on all the fun stuff left behind from Carol’s and Anya’s and Kostya’s road trip a few months before. And then the mice pooped in Andy’s car. (Thankfully not giant poops of doom.) Andy needs to clean his car.