If only every home project was as simple as recovering the seats of the dining room chairs, well, we’d definitely be done with the kitchen by now. Problem with the kitchen is that it’s past that horrible place where IT MUST BE FIXED NOW OR I WILL NEED TO BE COMMITTED. Pretty much all that’s left is painting and curtains, and I can mostly ignore that most of the time.
But I digress. Chairs.
The chairs were icky, where icky is what happens when you mix off-white fabric good for digging yer claws into with eight mostly dark-haired, clawed cats.
A few months back, we bought some upholstery fabric when it went half price. It’s been sitting ever since, collecting stink bugs. We were snowed in today, and I suggested maybe we could fix the chairs. Andy made a grumpy face, but then the compressor and staple gun magically appeared. It took us about an hour.
Maybe we need to be snowed in a few more days?