Quick Fixes

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If only every home project was as simple as recovering the seats of the dining room chairs, well, we’d definitely be done with the kitchen by now. Problem with the kitchen is that it’s past that horrible place where IT MUST BE FIXED NOW OR I WILL NEED TO BE COMMITTED. Pretty much all that’s left is painting and curtains, and I can mostly ignore that most of the time.

But I digress. Chairs.

The chairs were icky, where icky is what happens when you mix off-white fabric good for digging yer claws into with eight mostly dark-haired, clawed cats.

A few months back, we bought some upholstery fabric when it went half price. It’s been sitting ever since, collecting stink bugs. We were snowed in today, and I suggested maybe we could fix the chairs. Andy made a grumpy face, but then the compressor and staple gun magically appeared. It took us about an hour.

Maybe we need to be snowed in a few more days?

Not cold enough

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We are in Day 3 without a working fridge. The repairman was supposed to come today, but the snow, sleet, and freezing rain have closed everything. (Except our place of employment, Darn Them! At least we can work from home.)

Tuesday I was home with a sick kid, and I went to the freezer to grab some ice cream for me for brunch. (Hey, don’t judge! It’s mostly milk!) The ice cream was melty. I figured someone hadn’t closed the freezer door all the way because sometimes it does stick. I forgot about it until Andy got home from work that evening, when I casually mentioned the melty ice cream. Andy opened the freezer, and checked the ice cream, and it was even meltier than before. He opened the fridge, the inside of which was pretty much room temperature. Maybe even warmer ’cause it’s a pretty cold room. Andy used his keen deductive powers to realize the fridge and freezer cooler parts were not working. Yippee!

We are lucky because:

  1. the fridge is still under warranty,
  2. there wasn’t much in the fridge,
  3. we have a big freezer we could move some stuff into, and
  4. it’s realllllly cold outside, so we put stuff in coolers and stuck them on the porch.

One good outcome of this event is that I removed a bunch of old, dried up, nasty frozen stuff. I’ve been meaning to for a while, but, um, think of all the energy that would waste having the freezer door open. Yeah! That’s it!

In other news, Anya’s last day of school for the year was supposed to be today. They were going to have a winter celebration, and Anya made cards for all her kids and her teachers. Everything was canceled, so now we have to wait until the New Year to pass out the cards and small gifts we had. This makes me sad.