Frisbee Prodigy

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I have decided that Anya’s special talent is frisbee. As someone who has problems throwing a “flying disk” after three decades of practice, I am in awe of her ability to fling that thing. In a few short sessions, she’s progressed from tossing it all wonky-skoodle to getting the disk airborne and delivering it to the intended recipient. Okay, so it only goes to the intended recipient if they are standing in the correct place, but shouldn’t they be doing that anyhow?

A nice thing about a frisbee over, say, a baseball, is that when Daddy throws a frisbee at Anya and whacks her upside the head or bounces it off her foot, it doesn’t really hurt. We are still working on teaching Anya about catching (and Daddy about throwing a baseball).

I don’t have any action photos of our practices, but here’s a cute picture of Anya on her jumpy.