What our taxes (don’t) pay for:
Example A:
A couple of years ago, according to the story told by our log cabin neigbhors, a discussion came before the county board about putting aside funding for the library bookmobile. One of the councilmen was fed up with people asking for more money, and he slammed his fist down on the table (at least in my version) and said, “If they want a bookmobile, let them use a wheelbarrow!”*
Example B:
We don’t have garbage pickup; instead, we have to toss the trash in the back of the truck and drive up to the dumpster village at the top of the street. Luckily, our dumpster village is not only very close but is also right across the street from the nearest convenience store/gas station/pizza place/tax filer/massage therapist. (Drop off trash…pick up pizza!) But…this isn’t the point. Yeah, we don’t have garbage service. Fine. We don’t pay nearly enough taxes for garbage service. I do think, though, that we pay enough for a couple cubic yards of dirt to fill in the St. Bernard-sized potholes that make the dumpster village look like it’s located in Baghdad.
*The next day a wheelbarrow appeared in the library and quickly filled with donations for the bookmobile.
Once we build the new super mega pond with waterfalls and turtles and 3 foot long carp, we’ll have plenty of dirt that we can use to do our civic duty and fill in the potholes. If the county supplies a wheelbarrow, anyways.
You should use that for all your correspondence.
Rural route #5
Dumpster Village, USA
P.S. I had to try 5 times to post this… The spam-prevention image foiled me again and again.