We were out all morning/afternoon running our weekly errands and buying a tire. (Thanks L. & D. for the anniversary money! It’s quite a nice tire.) When we got home, I dashed up the hill to check on the Crumbs while Andy put away groceries. It was over 95F! Aie! The ducks didn’t seem to care, truly, but with the heat and the smell (ducks poop, you know) I thought it was an appropriate time to air out the garage, clean the brooder, and let the girls have some time in the yard.
We loaded the ducklings back into the box they arrived in for the journey down the hill to the duck tractor. Look at how they’ve grown in just a few days!
Andy guarded them from hawks, vultures, owls, and rabid frogs while I cleaned out the brooder. PHhhhHhhHewie! The lawn hay sure does work well because I had no idea there was a lake of brown liquid at the bottom, and the ducklings probably didn’t either. Here’s a photo of Andy keeping guard.
We bought some grit today, too, and put it out for the girls to chomp. From what I’ve read, if ducks are eating commercial food they don’t really need grit (I guess it’s squishy?), but it’s good for them to have it.
While we were out today, we also stopped in at the Radford Farmer’s Market, which is nice but puny. We also visited the only yarn store I’ve found in the area. It’s not really a store; it’s a corner of the basement level of a store. What they have is nice, but they don’t have a lot, and unless I missed something, they don’t have many books. I guess yarn/knitting isn’t as big around here as back in AA.
Hmm…guarding ducks, sounds like fun. Will you have to guard them forever? Or just as babies. So cute, and they really have grown.
When their little portable pen/tractor is done, it will have a door and netting on the top to keep out daytime creatures. At night they will go into a little house to stay safe from things like racoons, coyotes, etc.
Hee i misread ‘yarn’ as ‘yam’