Eleven Months

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Through the magic of technology, I am posting this Anya Update only one day late.

In month eleven, Anya:

+ Learned to say “Mamamamama.” Yes, I know she was saying “Mama” at a few weeks old, but really we all know that was just my imagination. It’s the real deal now. Except for the part where it doesn’t actually mean anything yet and is just something to say.

+ Ate pretty much anything, including: blueberries, pizza, broccoli, peas, carrots, pancakes, biscuits, chicken, rice, oatmeal, cat food, peaches, crackers, bananas, yams, green beans, and of course cheerios. These are things she likes in regular people format, though some of the things like the peas, carrots, and peaches seem to work better for her all blended up. Also, I’m not sure there is a people format for cat food. She does not like yogurt.

+ Opened a kitchen cabinet door, shrieked in disgust, and told us we need to declutter.

+ Wiggled, rolled, and bounced on her butt to move around. Who needs to crawl?

+ Had her second ear infection.

+ Became a kindred spirit to Anne of Green Gables by finding her very own “window friend” in the glass doors of the entertainment center. Anya and WF have spent many a half hour playing together happily.

+ Became addicted to kleenex. I think Sana taught her how to seek them out and devour them.

+ Searched high and low to find the girl panda to go with the boy panda when she played with her noah’s ark animals. The zebra almost threw her for a loop, but she figured it out.

There will be a picture here probably…oh, yesterday (thanks, technology!). I just have to figure out where it is.

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