I have my doubts, too. There was that one time they took her to the nursery for a while, and they could have done a switcheroo. However, she did have an id bracelet on her wrist, and id tag clipped to her belly button, and an electronic thingy jig (imagine those things attached to expensive clothes at the store) on her ankle. Supposedly, if the thingy jig was tampered with, alarms would go off.
It started out good, but I got lost in the second act. I think the director was trying to do too much and make it too cerebral.
On an unrelated note, are you sure she is really your child? I have my doubts because she is way too cute to have sprung from y’alls loins. =p
Be careful to make sure that the smart-ass Carter gene is not let to emerge in her, or you all will be DOOMED!
I have my doubts, too. There was that one time they took her to the nursery for a while, and they could have done a switcheroo. However, she did have an id bracelet on her wrist, and id tag clipped to her belly button, and an electronic thingy jig (imagine those things attached to expensive clothes at the store) on her ankle. Supposedly, if the thingy jig was tampered with, alarms would go off.
Gorgeous How terrific to have a photographer for a daddy!
Hey! I took those pictures! Andy just mooshed them into a movie.