Last night we came home and Cabol, proving she is right as usual, pointed out that some of the d’Uccle chickens looked rather small. And sure enough, there were two new babies running around. Good thing we’re trying to reduce our flock, eh?
After dinner, I went down to set up a little ramp so the chicks can hop back into the house at night, and I found a sad wet chick outside the cage, all soaked from the rain and cold and on its side and cheeping pitifully. I picked it up and rubbed it with my shirt, and was torn whether it was so far gone as to just put it in the bushes or what. I decided to put it in the chicken house and see if mommy chicken would warm it up later, and this morning all three chicks were alive and running around!
I’m glad you chose to give it a chance
Hooray for bouncing-back baby chick!