Buddy (1999ish-2010)

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These days, Andy spends his free time searching for great deals on Hello Kitty slippers and salsa, but back in the day he was a regular on the local humane society website. He would look at the new cats and ooh and ahh and send me links to cute ones. (Are there any kitties that aren’t cute?) I was working at the community college and otherwise being a big slacker when Andy sent me a link to a cat called Alonzo. Andy really, really, really wanted Alonzo. We already had Big Kitty, Little Kitty, Bob, and TreeFrog, but I thought, what the heck. Five is a good number. I went to the humane society while Andy was at work and checked out Alonzo. He was a big cat and pretty and not all that friendly. I think he had a cold. I started the paperwork to adopt him.

We named the kitty Buddy. Everyone said it looked like he had peanut butter on his nose.

He had to go to the vet early on because he was sick. I remember sitting in the waiting room and hearing a cat hollering and howling and thinking, “Huh. That can’t be Buddy!” But it was. He was not happy and wanted everyone to know it. That never stopped. He became known at several vets as the psycho cat and drew vet blood on several occasions. A few times he was muzzled at the vet, and I remember having to give him a sedative back in the day before taking him in for an appointment.

I think Buddy was taken from his mommy too soon because in the early days he loved to nuzzle up to an armpit and lick and chew on your shirt…sort of like he was nursing. He also seemed to be a bit wacky and would freak out every now and then. He’d get twitchy and you knew to stay away. His occupation almost from the start was to terrorize Little Kitty. I used to say Buddy was TreeFrog’s muscle. TreeFrog wanted to be alpha female cat, but she couldn’t take Little Kitty. When Buddy showed up, TreeFrog convinced him to take LK out of the picture so TreeFrog could be top girl. Part of his reign of terror included marking his territory. If LK found a spot she liked to hang out, eventually Buddy would pee there. He peed a lot. There were several times we thought about finding him a new home, but we just couldn’t because he was our Buddy.

When we moved to the boonies, we decided Buddy should be an outdoor cat during the day. He loved it. He started acting a bit more normal, and he didn’t pee on things as much. He’d bring us mice and moles and voles and even that weasel that one time. He kept us company when we walked down to the mail box, he let Anya chase him around the yard, and he amused us by climbing trees and hopping and leaping and living it up. Living outside (even just during the day) can be dangerous. One time he didn’t come home for three days. Another time he was gone a while and came back with a swollen face from a snake bite. We always worried about him, but we knew that the risk was worth it. Buddy was really happy outside, and we were all happier when he was outside, too.

Sometimes, Buddy didn’t want to go out in the morning, and we’d have to grab him and pitch him out. Sometimes he didn’t want to come in at night. Usually, though, he’d run out in the morning and be waiting for us in the evening.

Tuesday, December 21, we put Buddy out in the morning, and he wasn’t waiting for us when he got home. We called and wiggled the door handle and sang, “Buddybuddybuddybuddybuddy!” We kept the porch light on for him and peeked out the door for him over and over. Wednesday morning, he wasn’t there. Wednesday evening, he wasn’t there. Andy searched for him all over the property and looked in the shed and the workshop. We called and called and waited and waited. I sent a lost ad to the local humane society and got ready to call neighbors and the vet. And then we decided to look for him one last time.

I found him under the tool shed. We aren’t sure what happened. He didn’t have any visible injuries. It sort of looked like he laid down to go to sleep. Maybe he ate a poisoned mouse or found some antifreeze or maybe he was sick and we didn’t know or maybe he had a heart attack. We won’t ever know.

Bye, bye, Buddy Cat.

Quick Fixes

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If only every home project was as simple as recovering the seats of the dining room chairs, well, we’d definitely be done with the kitchen by now. Problem with the kitchen is that it’s past that horrible place where IT MUST BE FIXED NOW OR I WILL NEED TO BE COMMITTED. Pretty much all that’s left is painting and curtains, and I can mostly ignore that most of the time.

But I digress. Chairs.

The chairs were icky, where icky is what happens when you mix off-white fabric good for digging yer claws into with eight mostly dark-haired, clawed cats.

A few months back, we bought some upholstery fabric when it went half price. It’s been sitting ever since, collecting stink bugs. We were snowed in today, and I suggested maybe we could fix the chairs. Andy made a grumpy face, but then the compressor and staple gun magically appeared. It took us about an hour.

Maybe we need to be snowed in a few more days?

Not cold enough

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We are in Day 3 without a working fridge. The repairman was supposed to come today, but the snow, sleet, and freezing rain have closed everything. (Except our place of employment, Darn Them! At least we can work from home.)

Tuesday I was home with a sick kid, and I went to the freezer to grab some ice cream for me for brunch. (Hey, don’t judge! It’s mostly milk!) The ice cream was melty. I figured someone hadn’t closed the freezer door all the way because sometimes it does stick. I forgot about it until Andy got home from work that evening, when I casually mentioned the melty ice cream. Andy opened the freezer, and checked the ice cream, and it was even meltier than before. He opened the fridge, the inside of which was pretty much room temperature. Maybe even warmer ’cause it’s a pretty cold room. Andy used his keen deductive powers to realize the fridge and freezer cooler parts were not working. Yippee!

We are lucky because:

  1. the fridge is still under warranty,
  2. there wasn’t much in the fridge,
  3. we have a big freezer we could move some stuff into, and
  4. it’s realllllly cold outside, so we put stuff in coolers and stuck them on the porch.

One good outcome of this event is that I removed a bunch of old, dried up, nasty frozen stuff. I’ve been meaning to for a while, but, um, think of all the energy that would waste having the freezer door open. Yeah! That’s it!

In other news, Anya’s last day of school for the year was supposed to be today. They were going to have a winter celebration, and Anya made cards for all her kids and her teachers. Everything was canceled, so now we have to wait until the New Year to pass out the cards and small gifts we had. This makes me sad.

Speaking with Santa

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We took Anya to see Santa on Saturday. The day before and all that morning we kept asking her what she was going to say to Santa. First she said she wanted to ask Santa for a doggie, “and a bowl for food and a little ball that I can throw for the doggie to go get.” Then she wanted a doll. The last time we asked, she wanted a firetruck. When we were finally there in front of Santa, Anya froze up. She hid behind us and didn’t want to go in the room he was in. We tried bribing her with a candy cane, but she doesn’t like candy canes this year. I have to admit, the Santa was a bit scary. His eyes were smiley, but he didn’t say, “Ho Ho Ho,” or talk about Rudolph or anything. I tried to engage him in some small talk about how I wanted a working dishwasher for Christmas and were the reindeer behaving, but I think he was listening to the game on a tiny radio hidden in his beard.

We finally got Anya to sit with Santa by having all of us sit with Santa. She still wouldn’t talk to him, but we got a picture. It’s not the picture I’m going to show you because I am too lazy to scan that photo.

Getting my crafty on

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I’m not sure if my upcoming unemployment is increasing the release of crafty hormones, or if I am a pod person, but lately I can’t seem to get enough of the craftiness. Probably I’ve just been spending too much time looking at craft blogs supersaturated with holiday pretties.

Right now I am working on Anya’s Christmas stocking using a pattern from Mason Dixon knitting. It’s a challenge for me not only because of its sockiness but because it has color work in it, and I’ve not done much of that at all. I hope to finish it by Christmas, but who knows.

I am also working on some wire projects the details of which I cannot divulge as they are presenty things. I’ve never really worked with wire, and I find I enjoy its bendy ways. I see more shiny metal in my future.

I made our holiday cards again this year and tried out embossing for the first time. It’s a bit messy, so if you are lucky enough to get one please don’t be too harsh on all the stray glitters. If you don’t get one, it’s probably your fault for not sending me a card last year. I do have some extras…….

I should have pictures to show of these wonderful things. But I don’t. I do have one final project, which I just finished, that I photographed. I tried to make a hip scene like all the crafty blogs do, but I need some practice. I present to you, our Countdown Blocks…..

I got the idea from the Sew Mama, Sew website. Now we can countdown all sorts of things like birthdays, first day of school, or the last Harry Potter movie.

What’s next? Socks? Hand puppets? Sculpting with a chainsaw?

The one about the turkey bird

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Hush little Anya, don’t say a word
Mama’s gonna buy you a turkey bird
And if that turkey bird won’t gobble
Mama’s gonna buy you a road made of cobble
And if that road of cobble won’t roll
Mama’s gonna buy you a mixing bowl
And if that mixing bowl won’t stir
Mama’s gonna buy you a cat that purrs
And if that cat that purrs runs away
Mama’s gonna buy you a bale of hay
And if that bale of hay gets eaten
Mama’s gonna buy you a room to neaten

Another list

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I like lists. Here’s what we’ve been up to this last week.

  • I peeled, sliced, cored about 5% of the apples we had. The last of these went into the dehydrator this morning.
  • The dining room / kitchen is nearing visual completion, but there is still a ton of stuff to put away, so I haven’t taken pictures to post yet. It’s a great space, but it needs a new name. Suggestions?
  • Everyone at work now knows I’m leaving. It’s weird. I feel a kinship with all the congressmen who weren’t re-elected. I am a lame duck! Quack!
  • Time to start working on the 2011 calendar. If you’re family, send pictures!
  • My new obsession is making gift tags. I may even try to sell some. Maybe I’ll open an Etsy shop like all the cool crafty people. I bet June Cleaver would have had an Etsy store.
  • Went scrapbooking Saturday. Our group meets about once a month. I made some cards, and I need to send them out since most are already tardy. Maybe I’ll put cards on my Etsy store, too! I could design a line of belated cards. Tardiness could be my “thing.” Tardy gift tags? Sure, why not! Everyone needs a niche. Of course, I’d probably send all orders late.
  • I’m nervous about my upcoming change in employment. People keep telling me I’ll be expected to cook. I don’t cook. Perhaps I’ll do a Julie/Julia thing and pick a cookbook and cook something from it everyday for a year and write a blog about it and get a movie done about it and become rich and famous and hire a personal chef and never have to cook again.
  • Anya is 37″ tall and talks really fast. I think we need to have a talk with Aunt Rebecca. First she taught Anya to suck her thumb, and now she has apparently passed along the fast-talk skills. What’s next? A love for snails???
  • After reading all the stuff about the TSA scans and pat downs, I don’t know if I’ll ever fly again.
  • Should I be concerned it’s too foggy outside to tell if it’s raining?

I’ve noticed writing in my scrapbooks is a lot easier when I blog about stuff. Especially when I blog in lists.