Duck, Duck, Duck….Gone

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Three of our ducks have gone missing.

Wednesday night when we got home, we could only find five ducks. We searched all over and found not a trace. I became convinced the postal lady had stolen them.

Thursday morning Andy put the ducks out. I didn’t want to. We shouldn’t have. I had the day off and all five were there until about 5:00. I looked out and there were only four. I didn’t hear anything.

We only have four ducks now. They will not be running free anymore.

Do things that eat ducks eat babies, too?

Happy Birthday, Baby!

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Anya is now officially an old fart. She has learned lots of new tricks this last month in preparation for being this many: 1.

List of Anya’s New Tricks:

+ Loves to play peek-a-boo.
+ Does that wah-wah-wah thing you did as a kid to pretend to be an indian.
+ Claps at the end of the birthday song.
+ Plays the xylophone.
+ Found her first electrical outlet.
+ Commands Andy to dance.
+ Continues to eat everything she is offered (except plain or vanilla yogurt).
+ Gives smoochies.
+ Waves. Sort of. Sometimes.
+ Shares her food with others (human and feline).

So(i)l testing

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We drive past the local elementary school every day on the way to and from work. Like most schools, this one has a sign out front with those little slide-in letters where the schools post informative messages like when report cards are going out and when picture day is. For the past probably two weeks the message on the sign has read:

SOL Testing
May 5-16

Every time I read that message, I get excited that the community is supporting soil testing. Every. Single. Time.

I mean, soil testing is just so important!!! And hardly anyone seems to do it!!! And I’ve even got a few sample boxes in my backpack that I picked up at MG classes!!! I read that sign and think to myself, “WOW! That is just SO COOL that they are doing soil tests at the elementary school!!!!!!”

Then I have a Homer Simpson moment when I remember it’s SOL not SOIL testing. And then I get really sad. Not only because they aren’t doing soil testing but because they are spending two weeks doing stupid, counter-productive, evil, nasty, yucky SOL testing. And I start to get depressed about Anya going to public school with all the testing crap. There is a local co-op type school I think I may look into. If I have to be working, I should be able to divert some of my income to putting Anya in a happier school.