“Look, Ma! I can fly!!!”
The ducklings are getting their big girl feathers, and before we know it, they’ll be trying to fly. Their grown-up feathers are all sorts of shades of brown. I never thought boring old brown could be so pretty. Really, they shouldn’t be called Khaki Campbells. They should be Cocoa Campbells. Yumm. Chocolate ducks. You can sort of see their new feathers in this picture. Check out their tummies, tails, and wings.
Their house is done now, and Andy has a good start on the attached run. The girls don’t quite seem to know what to think of it yet, but there have been no more escape attempts.
That is an absolutely awesome duck house! I love the color! And the ducks are getting to be even MORE adorable then when they were tiny!!
Just thought, how they gonna learn to fly without a mama duck to teach em? You better show em cartoons
How did you attach the window? What kind of door have you attached, or do you plan on having one? I like the handle you attached and the paint looks great…
Looks like the bottom sticks out a little. Have you thought about installing an additional Bolt Lock near the bottom like the one in the middle? I was thinking that a raccoon might pull on it enough to get in eventually. Naw, probably not. Just thinking… {:->)
I don’t think we really WANT them to fly, then they will be even harder to herd to their night house….
Andy used some of those big honking staples to attach the hardware cloth on the inside. The window on the side, we just put the wood back in because it was cold, but it’s getting hotter again so we should probably take it out. The handle is actually an old cabinet handle we had sitting around.
The door fits really tight, and I have to yank on it to open, so I’m not too concerned about a racoon pulling it open. I’ll probably play with it a bit sometime soon, though, to make sure the bottom is secure.