Moratorium: Week 5

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Week five saw a trip to the doctor’s office for Anya and the corresponding Rx. Plus the cocoa butter and sticky bandage the doc told us to put on her sucky thumb…which had become her boo-boo thumb. Silly doctor. A sticky bandage is no match for a toddler.

Non-essential spending:

– $4.43 for lunch ’cause Andy is a goober butt

My parents are here this week, and so that means all sorts of crazy spending on stuff to finish up the kitty room. That stuff was on the moratorium okay list, though, so no violation.

Andy took some photos of Anya in a tree. Maybe he’ll post one some day. She was helping me prune one of our apple trees. Pruning is addictive. Ya start cutting and just don’t want to stop. Next thing you know, you’ve pruned the tree, the shrub next to it, the cat, the kid, and your leg hair.

I also cleaned the duck house. The question of the week: why did the ducks turn one of their nest boxes into a poo box?

5 thoughts on “Moratorium: Week 5

  1. I was wondering the same thing about our chickens! We just cleaned out their nest boxes a week ago, and they’ve made two of them a big pit of poo. They didn’t do that before.

    Chicken Confusion!

  2. And now our ducks are laying eggs in what was the poo box. I guess that’s okay as long as they don’t poo and egg at the same time.

  3. Do you eat your duck eggs? Do you like them?

    Like anything you “grow” yourself, I’ve noticed our chooks’ eggs taste stronger than what we buy in the store. Maybe ’cause they’re fresher.

  4. I just have no idea what a duck egg tastes like, or if they all kind of taste the same… Wonder what an ostrich egg tastes like! I had ostrich meat once and thought it was wonderful.

    The chickens are still pooing a lot…and the egg production is sharply declining. Winter is approaching!

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