To our anonymous commenter

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Shortly after I got my laptop, Sana decided the powercord would be fun to chew. She didn’t get all the way through the cord, and we continued to use it. We were (sorta) careful not to leave the computer/cord plugged in unattended or to let the cord get covered with a blanket or other flammable-type materials. Things were good for about a year. Sure, occasionally someone would get a small shock or see a leetle blue spark, but there was no damage. Also, sometimes the cord would get finnicky and have to be wiggled or unplugged/replugged to work. About a week and a half ago the cord stopped working and the usual measures didn’t bring it back to life. Andy seemed sure he could get the cord to work with just the right wiggle and kept messing with the cord. Until he got one dooze of a shock and I saw a huge blue spark.

We ordered a new cord and shelled out the extra $10 for fast delivery, and we waited for Friday when the cord should have arrived. We came home from work and there was a friendly little note hanging on the door from Fedex saying, “Sorry Charlie. No signature, no power cord.” Back in AA this would not have been a problem. We could have just bopped over to the Fedex place and picked the cord up. Here, we’d have to make an-almost-two-hour round trip to get the cord, and our weekend errands were in the other direction. So, no cord until Monday.

And that is the saga that led to no posts for a long, long time.

Okay, yeah, we do have another computer. So…I guess we could have posted from that computer, but…umm…it’s so far away you know? Like, all the way in the other room behind a door and everything. Plus, one time I tried to use that computer and Andy went “AIEIEIEIEIE!” I think he was scared I’d find his secret stash of llama porn. So why didn’t Andy post? Good question. Probably because he’s a big poopy head.

And, well, yes, we did get the cord on Monday and it’s Wednesday. So…I guess we could have posted from this computer sooner. But, um, there were pictures to upload and that takes time! And, the recycle center isn’t finished yet and why post about an unfinished recycle center when soon it will be finished? And then there was that whole daylight savings time thing that really messed everything up.

Stupid daylight savings time.

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